My Blackness is Under Attack!

In 2016, I would have never thought that shades of black would be a debate amongst African American, but it is. As I have entered several social media sites, it has come to my attention, that there is so much racism and prejudice within the African American community. It is one thing, if a person is unaware of the past issues of slavery and Jim Crow, but it is sad  when a person knows the unfortunate history of their race. Names are not needed from these sites, but there are a few men and women that are prejudice against those African Americans/ Afro – Latin that are of a different shade of black. Why, you ask? Well, these individuals may have encountered prejudice within their communities. By name calling and making people feel that they’re less attractive; because, of the shade of their skin and hair type is ludicrous. Instead, of loving one another, a few people are only ripping their people apart by racist rhetoric.

It is important for people to take a moment and sit down and read the Willie Lynch Letter. Who is Willie Lynch? Good question. Willie Lynch was a British slave owner in the 1700’s that trained slave owners in the West Indies on the best tactics of controlling African slaves.  This is a short version of the letter that reads:


Gentlemen. I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, the gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here. I am here to help you solve some of your problems with slaves. Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies, where I have experimented with some of the newest, and still the oldest, methods for control of slaves. Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented. As our boat sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King, whose version of the Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique. While Rome used cords of wood as crosses for standing human bodies along its highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasions. I caught the whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree, a couple miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, you suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed. Gentlemen, you know what your problems are; I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems, I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. I HAVE OUTLINED A NUMBER OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE SLAVES; AND I TAKE THESE DIFFERENCES AND MAKE THEM BIGGER. I USE FEAR, DISTRUST AND ENVY FOR CONTROL PURPOSES. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On top of my list is “AGE,” but it’s there only because it starts with an “a.” The second is “COLOR” or shade. There is INTELLIGENCE, SIZE, SEX, SIZES OF PLANTATIONS, STATUS on plantations, ATTITUDE of owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine hair, course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action, but before that, I shall assure you that DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for HUNDREDS of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don’t forget, you must pitch the OLD black male vs. the YOUNG black male, and the YOUNG black male against the OLD black male. You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves. You must use the FEMALE vs. the MALE, and the MALE vs. the FEMALE. You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks. But it is NECESSARY THAT YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. THEY MUST LOVE, RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity. IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE SLAVES THEMSELVES WILL REMAIN PERPETUALLY DISTRUSTFUL. Thank you gentlemen.”

In 2016, I still hear the N- word being used like it doesn’t have any hurtful ties to slavery, and hear other black men and women put each down by claiming to be better than the other based  on name calling like, light skin, dark skin, good hair, nappy hair, and the list goes on. I am not a light skin woman, but I am a strong black woman that believes in the power of prayer that one day that our society will become a more loving human race. I pray for equality for every man, woman, boy, and girl. We got to learn to love one another, and stop using hate. God, bless and keep us. In Jesus name. Amen!




Problem Sleeping, God is Speaking!

Morning ladies and gents. For a few nights I have tossed and turned and can’t seem to get to sleep with all of the dreams of being successful in everything that I do. Lately, I’ve been having dreams of building a better tomorrow, and I find myself waking up and writing down the ideas that God keeps on giving. I believe that God talks to many of us through our dreams and if we don’t acknowledge him, He will keep on nudging until He gets a reply. God, has shown some of the greatest prophets the future of famine, plagues, Apocalypse, and Birth of Christ that changed the world forever. There have been lottery winners that claim that they were given their winning numbers through a dream. Dreams are a gift from God.

Not all dreams are like the Freight Night/ Freddy Kruger type dreams, but sometimes dreams can have a scary truth that will make any person change their wicked ways. Determine the path that God has given by listening to that deep voice within that never stops. When you’re having problems with sleeping, it may be a good idea to ask God for direction so that there is a clearer understanding of those dreams. Also, write the dreams down; because, it may be difficult to remember. Well, for me , it becomes difficult to remember the entire dream, so I jump to the floor, and write down the plan that God gives. Even when the dream is unclear, write it down anyway. The time will come when the ream will come into full circle. WRITE IT DOWN!

God, has a funny way in how He gets our attention. Right? Have you ever had that moment where you were driving the wrong way, but you were blessed with money or received a job opportunity? That was God that made it happen, just like the plan in that dream that you had on last night. Honestly, dreams can become scary when the goal appears to grand. For instance God has given a dream where there is a new job, but in a different state that will cost a great deal of money to start over. Life comes with its’ challenges, but when there is a will; there is always a way. Prepare for the move that God has shown you night after night. Moving to a new state can be scary, I know, but just imagine the blessings that await you. God, bless the tomorrow that God brings. Amen!




Prayer, a Daily Challenge!

As I sit in my chair, I feel sadden by my thoughts that can be so negative. However, at the worse moments I look up and wonder how did Jesus get the strength to love those that refused to love him back. Than, I had a duh moment that made everything simple a I stretched myself out on the floor and began to pray. Have you ever felt that prayer can be a challenge? Well,  you’re not alone. When the heart lacks faith, it is impossible to sit and pray when there is no belief. Yes, I believe in God as my Lord and Savior, but there are days where I don’t know when a certain season of grief and pain will leave.


Have you ever felt unheard as you pray? As humans, we want an answer immediately, but that is not the way God works. God, may have already answered the pray, but it may not be the answer that you want. Whether you have prayed for some overly expensive car, it doesn’t mean that is the car God may want for you. God, is aware of what his flock can handle. Patience, is difficult to handle when there has been so much hardship in life, so I have learned that God  has a time that is way more appealing than man’s time. Wait or die trying. Right? Prayer, my challenge of working to be a better follower of Christ. Jesus, never said that if we walk with him, that it would be easy. Right? There is not one better way than to keep on praying until a break through comes. Never stop praying, never.


Praying can be the ultimate move that so many of us need, but something is holding you back. What is it? Is it family, friends, or yourself? Honestly, there are days where I have stopped myself from being great, it never was family of friends, but it was my selfish ways. Prayer, has given me a form of relief that people have never been able to give. The issue with prayer as a challenge may upset some people, but even King David felt challenged. In Psalms 13, King David felt that God was so distant, while he was dealing with such an intense trial that lasted for years. Also, look at Joseph as he was imprisoned and accused of having a sexual relationship with Potiphar’s wife (Genesis 39). For both King David and Joseph, both men had to wait on God to get them out of the storm. Was the trial of King David and Joseph a challenge? Of course, both men had to pray and wait on God’s great plan.


Find a quiet place and pray to God in your most sincere voice, and leave it alone. Daily, I have to remember that God is in complete control over my life. I do not have all of the answers, and I know that patience is a virtue. Prayer, is not the issue but waiting is the challenge. Waiting to be healed, waiting for a financial breakthrough, or whatever. We  are all a work in progress. Right? Continue to pray for me and I will continue to pray for you, daily. Challenge yourself to not worry. Challenge yourself to be more loving and kind. Lastly, challenge yourself to be more patient. God bless  and kisses!!




Christian Author LaSheka Hollingsworth is a Houston, Texas resident that has two Christian based books under her belt. For a copy or snippets go to one one the sites listed  or bookstore below.




*African Imports (Greenspoint Mall)

*River Oaks Bookstore (3270 Westheimer Rd., Houston, Texas 77098) (June 11, 2016 @ 11:00 a.m., book reading/signing-Free Food)









Write Like You Mean It!

Writing comes from within, and at times I can get a bit wild. Honestly, every time that I have written a book or post, I usually have to be too honest. It is never my goal to hurt anyone, but I want the reader to come into my world that is filled with both love and pain . Have you set down at your computer or type writer, and realized that you need to say something that could be hurtful? Good, I am glad that you have to write something and mean it. For my first book “What If” it was strange writing down the most painful points of my life, but I had to come to a conclusion that their are so many children and adults that have been victims of abuse, so I continued to write until I couldn’t anymore.


As I made one stroke and than the second stroke, that is when I knew that God gave me a gift to write through my pain. There are moments where all I crave is writing, and the other days I need a break from picking up a pen and paper. It can become a waist of ink, if there is nothing that drives you. My Christian faith and family are the two that drive me to do better as a person and as a writer. When I write down my thoughts, it comes to me like something has just thrown a ton of bricks on my head. There is so much to write, and so many people that I need to reach in a life time. So, when that pen touches that piece of paper, make sure to write like your life depends on it. Make writing a priority before the gift is all gone.


There is nothing wrong with fiction, but I enjoy mixing my genres into both fiction and non -fictional. My second book is a fiction, but the deep issues that the characters have encountered come from true life events. Whether writing about my sorority life or about a troubled marriage that unfolds in the church, I write like there is no tomorrow. My point isn’t to  be aggressive as a writer, but to show the passion that I give from sentence to sentence. To all writers, never stop giving the audience the real you. When I first began writing, there were a few people that did not believe that writing from a Christian stand point would be wise, but I showed them that as long as I am being true to God, that I can not fail. Lastly, never stop helping people through your gift as a writer.  Ladies and gents remember to write like you mean it. God, bless!




What If can be purchased at, (Kindle & Book), Barnes &,, River Oaks Bookstore, African Imports.

God, is this Relationship Worth My Time can be purchased at,, Barnes &,, and River Oaks Bookstore.



Writer’s Block, Anyone?

Have you stayed up at night scanning the walls for a sentence or title idea? Well, I have had the same problem as I scan the walls for some answer, that never appears. Writing takes days, than moths, and even years to complete a book. Heck, for some people, writing a check list may take a little time to finish. Some important steps that I believe are helpful is to keep a pad of paper near by, and some calming music never hurts. Also, I have learned to listen to God for every book title, character name, and topic. Writing is a gift that should never be taken so lightly. Every gift that God gives, is a blessing. Writer’s block is only temporary, so get your ideas together and start writing.


Plan a day out of the week where you will type two to three pages a day, but with distractions. Okay, I am aware that life comes with its’ distractions, but don’t use that as some excuse. Use every moment that God has given you, for his purpose. If God has given you one particular goal, and that is to write a book on Relationships, it is your ultimate duty to fulfill that goal. Again, plan a day out of the week that you can give strictly to your writing. Another idea is to ask your family and friends for their input on what appeals to them, as a reader. The audience will either love your work or not. Remember to appeal to the audience that you are writing for. For example, I write self help books and Christian Romance books. My writing style may not necessarily appeal to a person that prefers reading murder mysteries, so as you begin to write, think of your audience.


Okay, do you still have a case of writer’s block? Be patient, dear writer. Good things happen to those that wait. Try getting more z’s at night, and watch how all of the ideas appear. Remember the dream that Joseph had in Matthew 1:20, where an angel gave him instructions to not be afraid, and that he would take Mary as his wife. The best part about Joseph’s dream is  that the angel gave him the greatest information of all, and that was that Mary had conceived in her the Holy Spirit. Before going to bed, pray for clarity over all things in life that seem unclear. Writer’s Block, may be a small issue to the lack of words on the pad of paper. release everything that is stopping you from be grand.


I pray that this information helps and don’t be afraid to comment. God bless, and keep on moving forward.







What If?

What If you had only one chance to correct your past life would you do it? I know that maybe this question is ridiculous to some people, but to other people it would be a chance of a life time. Some days I sit down and realize that I have made so many mistakes that I can’t keep up with them. Also, I have realized that God paid a big price on the cross, so that I could be forgiven for all of my sins. There is constant pressure from society to be perfect physically and emotionally. Younger individuals are constantly being bullied for not being pretty enough, athletic enough, or smart enough. As I wrote my first Christian based book, I remembered all of the good and bad days of going to school, and wondered how different my life would have turned out if I would have made better decisions or if I looked differently. Oddly enough, everything happens for a reason, and each incident makes us all stronger.

What is one thing that you have been thinking about and can’t seem to realize that everything happens for a reason?

Peace over Pain

Learn to live life with the purpose that God has for you, and by thinking and by knowing that God’s purpose is all that matters, that idea will give you constant peace. There is absolutely no point to hating someone when that hatred only brings about more pain to your daily walk. Think of the many different ways that you could relinquish that pain is not by shopping, but by prayer and meditation. One of my favorite people in the bible is Job, Job was a man who lost everything and he was tested by God, but he never lost his faith. Job, could have easily gave up and became a man who walked around with hatred in his heart, but he didn’t. Job continued to pray and meditate through his trials, and God blessed him with more than he could have ever imagined.

I look at my life from a child to now, and I realize that I once walked around with so much hate in my heart, and it only made my life harder. I would attend church, and nothing seemed to work. Although, I was raised to believe in Jesus, I didn’t have a real relationship with him. Once, I let go of the constant battle of the many things in my life, that I could not change, than I was able to walk in peace. Christians have a constant battle, it does not mean that life will be easy based on being a believer of Christ, but life gets harder. When life becomes more of a challenge, that is a sign that you must pray more, and pray without seizing. Whether people hate you for absolutely no reason, continue to show love to that individual, and hopefully by showing that person how your light shines, than they will too, change the way they feel and think. I went to the bank earlier today, and the bank teller had such a beautiful light about her, and all at once she continued to tell me her testimony and that she was so thankful for God’s many blessings. The bank teller expressed to me, “that there is no point to complaining about life, but be grateful for every moment that God has given.” This woman of God did not have to testify about how God has touched her life, but she did, and she spoke with peace over her life. The bank teller helped me to understand that life could be so much more difficult, but by God’s grace I am able to see another day.


Regardless, of your nationality, religion, sex, or occupation, peace is what every person is searching for, but many of the people around us don’t know how to forgive. First, you have to forgive the person that has caused you harm. Secondly, forgive yourself for any wrong doing that you may have caused. Thirdly, move forward into a new beginning. I pray that this helped you in some way. God bless.


*Looking forward to reading your comments, and have a wonderful day….

College Loans: A Constant Battle

How many of you have college debt? Be honest. You can turn on the news and there lies the issue on college debt and the people who are in debt. This issue has gotten so out of control that some students and graduates have to work two to three jobs to pay off college debt. It amazes me, that U.S. Congress decided to go on vacation versus finding a solution to the issue that is more than an issue for college students and graduates, but a major problem for the American economy. Imagine graduating from college at twenty – one years of age with family and friends by your side, who are rejoicing over your hard work in school, and after all of the hard work letters come into the mail from Sallie Mae asking for a monthly payment of $ 500.00 monthly for the next twenty – five years to pay off college debt, but you don’t have a job due to the harsh economy. I have spoken to many college graduates and college students that have found themselves in this predicament and can’t seem to get out of it. Raising the interest rate on college loans to 6.8 % will be the biggest mistake that congress could ever do to these college students, and the future graduates will have to find work that will pay back the money borrowed from the government and third party lenders. I recommend that college students should start looking for work the last semester of college and not wait until graduation; because, the world is more competitive than it was fifteen years ago, it seems like everyone has a college degree and companies only have a certain amount of positions open by the time many of the college students reach graduation. Also, only borrow what you need and when there is a refund, put a good amount into a separate account, so that when it is time to pay back the loans, it will make it easier to pay back a portion of  the loans up to six months to a year, and it will give some college graduates enough time to find a job.  Earning a college degree is not cheap by any means, and some of the degrees that many colleges and universities are offering are not worth anything for example, Philosophy, English, and Psychology. A philosophy degree is not as important in todays world as it probably would have been very important while in debate with Plato or Aristotle. English would be a great addition with a Masters degree. A psychology degree will only matter if the individual plans on earning a higher degree, than the degree will be worth more. Think of the future before applying for all of those loans and find a major that will get you a job and hopefully a career.


 Below are some great solutions to a easier college experience:


*Attend Technical school it is less expensive and only takes two years versus four years.

*Look for an accredited college online, and it takes less time and less money for some of the institutions (Do some research)

*Go to a community college

*Apply for grants and scholarships

*Work part-time and go to college


For more assistance look for help from college counselors and I pray that this has been helpful to you and I know that God will guide you through this process.


*Please comment on this issue and help the many college graduates and future graduates find a solution to this problem.